JDBWC - Installation

Document Revision: 1

Release Information
Project JDBWC
Version 1.0.0-3beta
License GNU GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
Web http://jdbwc.sourceforge.net/
Support https://sourceforge.net/projects/jdbwc/support

This document requires you have some knowledge of web-servers and the Java programming language (and ideally JDBC). Its beyond the scope of this document to explain these subjects in great detail.

Throughout this document there are some descriptive terms that may be unclear. Their meanings are clarified below.

Client Side:
the Java JDBC part of the JDBWC Driver.
Also referred to as JDBC (Java DataBase Connector).

the PHP side (with a web-server and one or more database-server/s).
Also referred to as WC (Web Connector).

data going from the Client-side to the Server-side.

data going from the Server-side to the Client-side.


JDBWC is an acronym for Java-Data-Base-Web-Connector. In essence, JDBWC is a Java JDBC Driver with its own server written in PHP. Ideally suited to Java Desktop applications that require JDBC access across wide area networks like the internet but do not wish to expose the remote database-server through the remote hosts firewall. EG: the database server does not need to be exposed to the internet at all.


Java JRE >= 1.6.0_19 (you can also compile from source to suit your target JRE)

Apache-Web-server >= 1.3.41
PHP >= 5.1.x with MySQL >= 5.x.x and/or PostgreSQL >= 7.4.x

If your using MySQL you should enable the PHP mysqli extension for full metadata functionality.
The existence of the mysqli extension is determined on the server-side.

Supplied dependencies (licensed under the Apache-2 license)
Commons-HttpClient 3.1


Client-side (JDBC)

  1. Unpack the compressed download if you got it from the releases area.
    The latest version should also be on the SourceForge SVN server (as of 2010-04-15); Always check the branches first.
  2. Copy the "jdbwc-lib" folder containing "jdbwc.jar" and dependencies to a location relative to your Java application files.
  3. If your app is not a packaged jar, you will need to organise updating the classpath via some other mechanism.
  4. If your using an IDE, add the jars to your build path as user libs (system libs are ok too but not necessary).


IDE's usually require all of the jars in the build path.
For apps, the required jdbwc dependencies will be added to your classpath by jdbwc.jar

Server-side (WC)


Once the Server-side portion is installed and configs are set you can forget about it. It only interacts with the JDBC portion and doesn't need to be maintained.
It does maintain an event.log file that you may want to look at occasionally to see what's been happening on your server.
The event.log can be invaluable for debugging, however any exceptions or errors encountered on the server will be thrown back to the JDBC driver as an SQL exception (or extension of).
Most PHP warnings will only be logged, not relayed as they usually aren't critical and don't warrant halting the driver.
SQL errors will contain the database servers original message with the offending SQL query below that. The usual java exception trail will follow. It will also be logged in the servers event log as an SQL-ERROR.

Back to the installation:

In the distribution package you will find a zip file called server-side-bundle.zip.
It contains some optional testing files which are explained in the README inside the zip.

To setup the server-side part of this driver.

NOTE: The folder: "jdbwc/includes/config/local" is for testing servers and is not needed for servers with a registered domain name. Its supplied for convenience when developing.
The "jdbwc/includes/config/local" folder should _NOT_ be uploaded to production machines.

  1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to your webserver.
  2. Edit the file: "jdbwc/includes/config/configure.php"
  3. Edit the file: "jdbwc/includes/config/databases.php"
  4. You will need to give the .log files in: "jdbwc/includes/wc_logs" full write permissions.
    You will also need to give the folder: "jdbwc/includes/sessions" full write permissions and
    the "jdbwc/includes/sessions/phpsess.db" (sqlite database) write permissions if you chose sqlite as the session handler (in the configure.php file).

That's about it.
See the bundled jdbwctest.zip file in the distribution folder for details on how to setup your java class/s to use the jdbwc.jar (JDBC driver). Look in the connect() method for some examples.

Basic Use

Also have a look at the test class in the file jdbwctest.zip (included in the distribution).

There are a number of optional connection parameters you can use to fine tune the connection.
The list of optional params may change between different releases depending on additional functionality supported by the driver.
See the section on Connection Parameters in detail for more info.

JDBWC is a JDBC Driver, so the standard JDBC syntax applies for general use.

To start a JDBC connection using JDBWC you need to register the driver with the JRE's DriverManager and then start a new JDBC connection using a JDBWC specific URL.
The required url syntax and parameters are demonstrated in the example.

Parameters (everything after the ?) can be in any order.
Registering the driver requires a ClassNotFoundException handler, starting a new Connection requires an SQLException handler.

See the example below.
NOTE: SSL is highly recommended over sending sql in plaintext.
v1.0.0.3 will only work with validated certs.

private java.sql.Connection connect() {

	java.sql.Connection connection = null;
	try {
		/* register the JDBWC Driver with the Java DriverManager */

		final String wcDataBase = "uname_jdbwctest";
		final String wcUser = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
		final String wcPass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

		final int port = 80;
		final String httUrlStr = "http://localhost/";
		final String user = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
		final String pass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

		/* *********************************
		 * Starting a connection via a url *
		 * *********************************/
//		final String jdbwcUrlStr = "jdbc:jdbwc:mysql//"
//			+ httUrlStr
//			+ "?port=" + port
//			+ "&databaseName=" + wcDataBase
//			+ "&databaseUser=" + wcUser
//			+ "&databasePassword=" + wcPass;
//		/* initialise a new JDBC Connection using the JDBWC Driver package */
//		connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbwcUrlStr, user, pass);

		/* ****************************************
		 * Using a Propeties object (recommended) *
		 * ****************************************/
		//final String jdbwcUrlStr = "jdbc:jdbwc:postgresql//";
		final String jdbwcUrlStr = "jdbc:jdbwc:mysql//";

		Properties props = new Properties();
		props.put("url", httUrlStr);
		props.put("port", String.valueOf(port));

		props.put("user", user);
		props.put("password", pass);
		props.put("databaseName", wcDataBase);
		props.put("databaseUser", wcUser);
		props.put("databasePassword", wcPass);

		/* *****************************
		 * *****************************/

		props.put("debug", "true");//OPTIONS: true, false (or not used. defaults to false)
		props.put("debugLogger", "SimpleLog");//OPTIONS: SimpleLog, Jdk14Logger, Log4JLogger
		props.put("debugLevel", "0");//OPTIONS: [0-3] 0=informative,2=good for connection debugging/* Dummy User-Agent (only required in rare situations where hosts block the default Apache HttpClient User-Agent). */
		props.put("useDummyAgent", "false");//OPTIONS: true, false (or not used. defaults to false)

		connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbwcUrlStr, props);

	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
	} catch (SQLException e) {
	} catch (Exception e) {
	return connection;
Connection Parameters in detail

Driver URLs

Use only one of:
What they do:

Requests a default connection from JDBWC. The default is MySql.

Requests a MySql connection from JDBWC.

Requests a PostgreSql connection from JDBWC.

Required properties

Use all of:
What they do:

The website URL containing the JDBWC server-side PHP bundle.
The url must start with a protocol (http or https) and have a trialing /
EG: https://mydomain.ext/myfolder/myotherfolder/
The JDBWC driver will append jdbwc/index.php to the end of this URL before requesting a connection from the server.

The port number the web-server responds to. In this release, only standard ports can be used.
80 is standard for http requests
443 is standard for https

The user name you specified in the server-side configure.php file.

The password you specified in the server-side configure.php file.

One of the database names you specified in the server-side databases.php file.

One of the database user-names you specified in the server-side databases.php file.

One of the database passwords you specified in the server-side databases.php file.

Optional properties

Use or omit any of:
What they do:

Turns debugging on or off. Its off by default. The other debugXX options will only take effect if this option is set to true.
OPTIONS: true, false (or not used. defaults to false)

The type of logger to use for logging. Although there are 3 options, only SimpleLog will work with this release. To find out more about the logger see: http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/logging.html
OPTIONS: SimpleLog, Jdk14Logger, Log4JLogger

Debugging level:
0 JDBWC informative/debugging,
1 JDBWC debugging,
2 JDBWC debugging and Enable header wire + context logging - Best for Debugging,
3 JDBWC debugging and Enable full wire + context logging.
OPTIONS: [0-3]

This is rarely required. Its for situations where the host server blocks the default HttpClient User-Agent. The server would need to have been configured to deliberately block the HttpClient user agent.
OPTIONS: true, false (or not used. defaults to false)

Whats new?
Since v1.0.0.2_2beta
Known issues

NOTE: Its strongly advised to use an SSL connection when communicating across a network or the internet as you will be sending raw sql. To correctly install SSL your web-server must have a dedicated IP.

Reporting Bugs

If you notice any, please report them in the projects bug-tracking area at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=233279&atid=1089227

Please be specific with bug reports so they can be properly attended to. Vague reports will not be attended to unless the error is quite obvious.
Include some code or a description of the conditions you encountered the bug in so it can be reproduced. The more detail, the higher the chance of it being fixed quickly.

NotImplemented exceptions are not bugs. They are features that have not been fully implemented yet and will vary for each release. This technique of dealing with unfinished areas is part of the JDBC specification for drivers [http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/driverdevs.html].

If you would like to see a particular feature implemented, please make a feature request at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=233279&atid=1089230

Copyright ©2008 Tim Gall, All rights reserved