********************************************************************** * Id: CHANGE_LOG.txt * Subject: JDBWC * Author: Tim Gall (Oz-DevWorX) * Date: 2008-10-30 15:16 (+10 GMT) * Simple-Description: Java JDBC Driver - Change Log * Copyright (C) 2008 Tim Gall (Oz-DevWorX) * JDBWC is Released under the GNU General Public License * ******************************************************************** * This file is part of JDBWC. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JDBWC. If not, see . ********************************************************************** ============================================== CONTENTS: 1) Major Changes 2) Bug Fixes 3) Improvements ============================================== 1) Major Changes: a) none this time round. See also: 3-Improvements ============================================== 2) Bug Fixes: a) Fixed time based ResultSet methods: * getDate(...) * getTime(...) * getTimestamp(...) sql.NULL values now return java.null as do empty time based values. b) Updated ResultSet getBoolean(...) methods to accept: * TRUE or FALSE, * YES or NO, * ON or OFF * 1 or 0 This allows for variances in the way booleans are commonly stored across database platforms. This falls outside of the rules for MySql and Postgres but in the big picture should make shifting boolean data between unknown databases less likely to break. c) Fixed minor type safety warnings in com.jdbwc.exceptions.SQLError.java (This class performs some of the drivers exception handling tasks in a simmillar fashion to MySql Connector-J by MySql/Sun). d) Fixed Connection.isClosed() not working. e) Creating a new Connection by passing the Driver a Properties file now works as expected. Connection Propetrty keys: ========================== * url (website url EG: https://somedomain.com/admin/ [In this case, the "admin" folder at https://somedomain.com should contain the 'web' folder "jdbwc"]) * port (server port number. https is usually 443 and plain-text is usually 80) * user (apache username for 'web' folder "jdbwc") * password (apache password for 'web' folder "jdbwc") * databaseName (Database name) * databaseUser (Database username) * databasePassword (Database password) ============================================== 3) Improvements: a) Binaries have been compiled with JDK 1.6.0_10-b33 b) Made the Driver parameter keys more consistent with conventional jdbc naming conventions. c) Minor Code Clean up in the Connection implementation. ==============================================